moautil - Some extra utilities - copy/move jobs

moa.plugin.system.moautil.archive(job, args)

Archive a job, or tree with jobs for later reuse.

This command stores only those files that are necessary for execution of this job, that is: templates & configuration. In & output files, and any other file are ignored. An exception to this are all files that start with ‘moa. If the name is omitted, it is derived from the jobid parameter.

It is possible to run this command recursively with the -r parameter - in which case all (moa job containing) subdirectories are included in the archive.

moa.plugin.system.moautil.cp(job, args)

Copy a moa job, or a tree with jobs (with -r).

moa cp copies only those files defining a job: the template files and the job configuration. Additionaly, all files in the moa directory that start with moa. (for example moa.description are copied as well. Data and log files are not copied!. If used in conjunction with the -r (recursive) flag the complete tree is copied., args)

Move, rename or renumber a moa job.

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