doc - Manage job documentation

Manage project / title / description for jobs, args)

Add an entry to the blog job (

Allows a user to maintain a blog for this job (in Use as follows:

$ moa blog
Enter your blog message (ctrl-d on an empty line to finish)

... enter your message here ..


Note: the ctrl-d needs to be given on an empty line. The text is appended to moa.desciption. In the web interface this is converted to Markdown.

moa.plugin.system.doc.change(job, args)

Add entry to

This function allows the user to add an entry to (including a timestamp). Use it as follows:

$ moa change
Enter your changelog message (ctrl-d on an empty line to finish)

... enter your message here ..


Note: the ctrl-d needs to be given on an empty line. The text is appended to moa.desciption. In the web interface this is converted to Markdown.

Note the same can be achieved by specifying the -m parameter (before the command - for example:

moa -m ‘intelligent remark’ set ...


Set the moa commands for this plugin


Execute just after setting running moa blog


Execute just after setting running moa blog


Execute just after setting running moa readme

moa.plugin.system.doc.readme(job, args)

Edit the file for this job

You could, obviously, also edit the file yourself - this is a mere shortcut to try to stimulate you in maintaining one

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configure - Configure jobs

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extraCommands - Pre & Post commands